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Shared Childcare Benefits
Take Employee Wellness to the Next Level
We are looking to build long-term relationships to help devise a cost-effective and tailored corporate child solution.
Our market differentiator is our ability to offer affordable rates and dependable quality service.
"Our care services package is structured to enable cost-sharing between employees’ and the employer. Employees’ are responsible for copays. As the employer, you pay a set dollar amount for the nanny service. The remaining cost is covered by your employer’s plan. This reduces the financial burden on the employer and gains commitment from your employees’ and teams. "
We service your families through our own agency, so you will be working with us from the get-go! We do not contract-out! We have been successfully operating and delivering value to corporations helping them stand out and become an Employer of Choice.
We take-on all the heavy lifting related to insurance, program administration and monitoring to on-boarding your team by streamlining processes/software, so your staff can readily utilize our care services. Your role is to sit back and let us take care of your teams!
Why Now?
Losing key talent is expensive for companies even at the best of times, with the process of replacing workers costing up to four to five times the salary of existing hires. Because employees' in this stage of their career want employers that will support their personal and professional ambitions, companies have an opportunity to differentiate from competitors with benefits like corporate child care, helping to retain and recruit the most qualified individuals.
Let us do all the heavy lifting for you and help you stand out from the competition. Little Einstein's is pleased to introduce our Employer-Sponsored Childcare Program providing in-home childcare for participating organizations. One of the biggest concerns facing employees returning to work or looking for a new job is childcare. Let us be the solution for your corporate care!
Providing employees with a reliable and flexible solution for their childcare will reduce absenteeism and create savings for organizations. It has also been shown to increase employee productivity and morale, recruit and retain talent, and is an opportunity to reinforce your position as an employer of choice in Canada and the United States.
​Bottom Line: Corporate Childcare/Parental Leave:
Ensures your employees' feel more productive at work and enhances their mental wellbeing thereby promoting workplace wellness.
Conveys to your employees' that your organization is supportive of them and their work life balance. Your organization is demonstrating care for their staff through action.
Investing in an employee and their wellness means they are less likely to leave their job to pursue other opportunities because they are happy with the benefits they are currently receiving.
Employees' are more likely to return back to work more sooner because their childcare needs are taken care of i.e. new born care.
Employees will typically weigh this benefit against what other companies are offering, providing your company with a competitive advantage in recruiting skilled and talented pool of candidates.
Our in-home service model saves time and reduces stress for parents because they do not have to drive or get the kids ready. We will come to your home and provide sitter service, creating a safe, happy and fun environment for your families.
​​We have been serving families who work for companies all across Saskatchewan and Texas. We hear what you have been saying and are here to help. If you are an employee, executive or owner of a company and want to learn more about our program, please fill out the form below and we will be happy to connect with you. Connecting with us has no fee or obligation, we genuinely would like to help, if that leads to a friendship and no sale, we are okay with that. What say you? If there is a way to provide this service while meeting your needs, will make it happen.
Transforming childcare options with the help of our amazing corporate partners!